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Hi! I'm Tomavatars!

I make things!

Videos Games

Focused on synesthesia, humor and experimentations
Developed on Unreal Engine

Sound Design

Commercials sound design
Video games sound design and integration
Sound design packs


With no borders, many genres, just fun and emotions​​
Mainly interactive and procedural
I used to perform live with machines


Playful audio plugins creation
Audio plugins testing for cool brands
Unreal Engine and sound design teacher

About me

  • I’m the co founder of the Concrete Games indie studio
  • I make video games as a solo game designer
  • I’m working on musical pieces playable as video games called Playhear
  • I love interactive music
  • ​I love experimentation and accidents in design

Above all, I’m a:

  • Video Game dynamic and generative music composer
  • Electronic music producer
  • Video Game and Audio Plugins Sound Designer
  • Live electronic musician
        • I make Youtube videos about audio plugins and sound design tech
        • I develope custom UVI Falcon instruments, M4L modules…
        • I’m a nerd of productivity tools


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